Dictionary 1. (n.) Want of decorum; impropriety of behavior; that in behavior or manners which violates the established rules of civility, custom, or etiquette; indecorousness.2. (n.) An indecorous or becoming action. Thesaurus Babbittry aberrance aberrancy abnormality bad taste blooper boner boo-boo bourgeois taste break camp campiness criminality delinquency deviance deviancy faux pas gaffe high camp illegality improperness impropriety inappropriateness incorrectness indecency indecorousness indelicacy indiscreetness indiscretion inelegance inelegancy infraction kitsch low camp philistinism poor taste pop pop culture sinfulness solecism tastelessness unaestheticism unaestheticness unbecomingness unchastity unfitness unfittingness unlawfulness unmeetness unrighteousness unseemliness unsuitability unsuitableness violation vulgar taste vulgarism vulgarity vulgarness wickedness wrong wrongfulness wrongness |