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Establishment VIP ability able absolute power absolutism acme activity actuate administration ally ampleness amplitude animate appurtenance aptitude archduchy archdukedom ascendancy authoritative authoritativeness authorities authority authorization baron barrel be-all and end-all beef bent big gun big man big name bigwig birthright bite bitingness blue ribbon body politic boundlessness brass brass hat brawn buffer state bulk bump caliber capability capable capacity capital captive nation celebrity championship charisma charm chieftaincy chieftainry city-state claim claws clout clutches colony command commonweal commonwealth compel competence competency competent compulsion conjugal right consequence constituted authority control convincing country county credit cuttingness decisiveness delegated authority demand demonic energy devices dignitary dignity dint direction directorship disposable resources disposition divine right domain dominance dominant domination dominion dower dowry drag drive drive on driving force droit duchy due dukedom dynamic dynamism earldom effect effective effectiveness effectual efficacious efficient elder electricity eminence empery empire enchantment endowment endurance energetic energy enormity enormousness equipment ergal esteem expanse faculty father favor figure first place first prize fixity of purpose flair force forceful forcefulness forcible formidableness forte fortitude forward free city fuel fullness function funds genius gift gigantism give an impetus give momentum goad good feeling governance government grand duchy grandeur grandness grasp great great man great scope greatness grip gripe guts gutsiness hand hands hardiness headship heartiness hegemony height helm highest hold hugeness immensity impel impellent impelling force imperium impetus importance important person impressiveness impulse impulsion inalienable right incentive incidental power incisiveness incite incitement incumbents indirect authority inertia infinity influence influential influentiality inherent authority insinuation instinct intensity interest interests intestinal fortitude invincible iron hand iron will irresistible force jurisdiction jus divinum kinetic energy kingdom kingship knack land largeness lashings lawful authority leadership legal authority legitimacy leverage lion long suit lords of creation lordship lot lump lustiness magisterialness magnate magnetism magnitude makings man of mark management mandant mandate mandated territory mandatee mandatory


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