Dictionary 1. ( n.) A bursting inwards, as of a vessel from which the air has been exhausted; -- contrasted with explosion. 2. (n.) A sudden compression of the air in the mouth, simultaneously with and affecting the sound made by the closure of the organs in uttering p, t, or k, at the end of a syllable (see Guide to Pronunciation, //159, 189); also, a similar compression made by an upward thrust of the larynx without any accompanying explosive action, as in the peculiar sound of b, d, and g, heard in Southern Germany.
Thesaurus back down bowl breach break break down break in break into break off combat break open break through breakdown breaking up breakup burst in bust in cataclysm catastrophe cave cease resistance collapse come apart come unstuck concave conk out crack-up crash crumble cup debacle decline deflate deflation disaster dish disintegrate droop drop fade fail faint fall in fizzle out flag flop flop down flump flump down fold fold up force open founder give ground give in give out give up give way go down go downhill go soft go to pieces hit the skids hollow hollow out implode implosion languish lapse lower peg out peter out pine plop plop down plump poop out prize open prostration puncture quit the field rupture sag set settle settle down shipwreck sink sink down slouch slump slump down smash smashup split open stove in submerge subside succumb swag sway tear open topple topple down topple over total loss totter washout weaken wear away wear thin wilt wrack wreck yield |