Dictionary 1. ( a.) Not patient; not bearing with composure; intolerant; uneasy; fretful; restless, because of pain, delay, or opposition; eager for change, or for something expected; hasty; passionate; -- often followed by at, for, of, and under. 2. (a.) Not to be borne; unendurable. 3. (a.) Prompted by, or exhibiting, impatience; as, impatient speeches or replies. 4. (n.) One who is impatient.
Thesaurus abrupt agitated agog alacritous all agog animated antsy antsy-pantsy anxious athirst avid breathless brusque bursting to chafing curt demanding desirous eager edgy excited fidgety forward fretful fretting full of life hasty headlong hopped-up hot-tempered impetuous impulsive in a lather in a stew in a sweat indignant irascible irritable itchy keen lively nervous on edge overhasty panting precipitate prompt querulous quick raring to rash ready ready and willing reckless restive restless short short-tempered snappish spirited squirming squirmy sudden testy thirsty uneasy unpatient unquiet vital vivacious vivid waspish zestful |