◄ Idealism ►

1. (n.) The quality or state of being ideal.

2. (n.) Conception of the ideal; imagery.

3. (n.) The system or theory that denies the existence of material bodies, and teaches that we have no rational grounds to believe in the reality of anything but ideas and their relations.

Berkeleianism Geistesgeschichte Hegelian idea Hegelianism Kantian idea Kantianism Neoplatonism Platonic form Platonic idea Platonism absolute idealism animatism animism archetype aspiration autism autistic thinking bigheartedness bigness chivalrousness chivalry complex idea dereism dereistic thinking dream dreamery elevation errantry eternal object eternal universal exaltation exemplar flight of fancy form formal cause generosity generousness great heart greatheartedness greatness greatness of heart heroism high goal high-mindedness highest category history of ideas hylozoism ideal ideality idealization ideals ideate ideatum idee-force imaginative exercise immaterialism impracticality innate idea knight-errantry knightliness largeheartedness liberality liberalness loftiness magnanimity magnanimousness materialism metaphysical idealism model monistic idealism nobility noble-mindedness nobleness noosphere noumenon openhandedness panpsychism pattern percept personalism play of fancy princeliness prototype psychism quixotism quixotry reaching high regulative first principle romance romanticism simple idea solipsism spiritualism subjectivism sublimity subsistent form the Absolute the Absolute Idea the Self-determined the realized ideal transcendent idea transcendent nonempirical concept transcendent universal transcendental universal universal concept universal essence unpracticalness unrealism unreality upward looking utopianism visionariness wish fulfillment wish-fulfillment fantasy wishful thinking


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