◄ Iatrochemistry ►

(n.) Chemistry applied to, or used in, medicine; -- used especially with reference to the doctrines in the school of physicians in Flanders, in the 17th century, who held that health depends upon the proper chemical relations of the fluids of the body, and who endeavored to explain the conditions of health or disease by chemical principles.

alchemy applied chemistry astrochemistry biochemistry biogeochemistry chemicobiology chemicoengineering chemurgy colloid chemistry crystallochemistry cytochemistry electrochemistry engineering chemistry geochemistry geological chemistry hydrochemistry iatrochemistry immunochemistry inorganic chemistry lithochemistry macrochemistry mineralogical chemistry nuclear chemistry pathochemistry petrochemistry pharmacochemistry physical chemistry physicochemistry phytochemistry psychobiochemistry radiochemistry soil chemistry theoretical chemistry thermochemistry topochemistry ultramicrochemistry zoochemistry zymochemistry zymurgy


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