Dictionary 1. ( n.) An abnormal dread of water, said to be a symptom of canine madness; hence: 2. (n.) The disease caused by a bite form, or inoculation with the saliva of, a rabid creature, of which the chief symptoms are, a sense of dryness and construction in the throat, causing difficulty in deglutition, and a marked heightening of reflex excitability, producing convulsions whenever the patient attempts to swallow, or is disturbed in any way, as by the sight or sound of water; rabies; canine madness.
Thesaurus African lethargy Asiatic cholera Chagres fever German measles Haverhill fever Texas fever acute articular rheumatism ague alkali disease amathophobia amebiasis amebic dysentery anthrax aphthous fever bacillary dysentery bastard measles bighead black death black fever black quarter blackleg blackwater blackwater fever blennophobia blind staggers bloody flux breakbone fever broken wind brucellosis bubonic plague cachectic fever canine madness cattle plague cerebral rheumatism chaetophobia charbon chicken pox cholera cowpox dandy fever deer fly fever dengue dengue fever diphtheria distemper dumdum fever dysentery elephantiasis encephalitis lethargica enteric fever erysipelas famine fever five-day fever flu foot-and-mouth disease frambesia furious rabies gapes glanders glandular fever grippe hansenosis heaves hemaphobia hematophobia hepatitis herpes herpes simplex herpes zoster histoplasmosis hog cholera hoof-and-mouth disease hookworm infantile paralysis infectious mononucleosis inflammatory rheumatism influenza jail fever jungle rot kala azar kissing disease koniophobia lepra leprosy leptospirosis liver rot loa loa loaiasis lockjaw loco loco disease locoism mad staggers madness malaria malarial fever malignant catarrh malignant catarrhal fever malignant pustule mange marsh fever measles megrims meningitis milzbrand monophobia mumps ornithosis osteomyelitis panphobia paratuberculosis paratyphoid fever parotitis parrot fever pertussis pip pneumonia polio poliomyelitis polyarthritis rheumatism ponos pseudotuberculosis psittacosis quarter evil rabbit fever rabies rat-bite fever relapsing fever rheumatic fever rickettsialpox rinderpest ringworm rot rubella rubeola scabies scarlatina scarlet fever schistosomiasis septic sore throat sheep rot shingles sleeping sickness sleepy sickness smallpox snail fever splenic fever spotted fever staggers strep throat stringhalt sullen rabies swamp fever swine dysentery tetanus thrush tinea toxiphobia toxophobia trench fever trench mouth tuberculosis tularemia typhoid typhoid fever typhus typhus fever undulant fever vaccinia varicella variola venereal disease viral dysentery whooping cough yaws yellow fever yellow jack zona zoster |