Dictionary ( n.) A denomination of weight, containing 100, 112, or 120 pounds avoirdupois, according to differing laws or customs. By the legal standard of England it is 112 pounds. In most of the United States, both in practice and by law, it is 100 pounds avoirdupois, the corresponding ton of 2,000 pounds, sometimes called the short ton, being the legal ton. Thesaurus C anniversary annual holiday bicentenary biennial birthday bissextile day cental centare centenarian centenary centennial centennium centigram centimeter centipede centistere centred centref centrev centumvir centumvirate centurion century commemoration cwt decennial diamond jubilee golden wedding anniversary gross hecatomb holy days hundred hundredweight immovable feast jubilee leap year long hundred name day natal day octennial one C quadrennial quasquicentennial quincentenary quincentennial quinquennial septennial sesquicentenary sesquicentennial sextennial silver wedding anniversary tercentenary tercentennial tricennial triennial wedding anniversary |