Dictionary (n.) A fountain on Mount Helicon in Boeotia, fabled to have burst forth when the ground was struck by the hoof of Pegasus. Also, its waters, which were supposed to impart poetic inspiration.Thesaurus Apollo Apollo Musagetes Bragi Calliope Castilian Spring Erato Euterpe Geist Helicon Hippocrene Muse Parnassus Pierian Spring Pierides Polyhymnia animating spirit animation animus apocalypse creative imagination creative thought creativity daemon daimonion demon direct communication divine afflatus divine inspiration divine revelation enlivenment epiphany exhilaration fire fire of genius firing genius infection infusion inspiration moving spirit mystical experience mysticism poesy poetic genius prophecy revelation soul spirit talent the Muses theophania theophany theopneustia theopneusty |