1. (v. t.) To press; to drive or urge forward; to push on; to precipitate; to accelerate the movement of; to expedite; to hurry.

2. (v. i.) To move celerity; to be rapid in motion; to act speedily or quickly; to go quickly.

accelerate advance advantage aid barrel bolt boost bundle burn to bustle career chafe chase clear the way conduce to contribute to crack on crowd dart dash dash off dash on dispatch double-time drive on ease encourage expedite explain facilitate favor festinate fleet fling flit fly forward foster fret further fuss gain ground get excited get going get moving grease grease the ways grease the wheels hardly wait haste hasten on help along hie hie on hotfoot hump hump it hurry hurry along hurry on hurry through hurry up hurry-scurry hurtle hustle hustle up impel itch to jump the gun leap lend wings to loose lose no time lubricate make clear make for make haste make way for move move quickly oil open the throttle open the way open up pave the way pick up speed plunge post precipitate prepare the way press press on promote push push forward push on push through put forward put on put on steam quicken race railroad through remove friction rev run run interference for rush rush along rush through scamper scoot scour scramble scud scurry scuttle send set forward shake up shoot simplify skedaddle smooth smooth the way soap the ways speed speed along speed up sprint spur spurt squirm stampede step on it step up stew sweat sweat and stew sweat it out tear unbar unblock unclog unjam urge wait impatiently whip whip along


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