Dictionary 1. ( n.) A sale, gift, or delivery into the hand of another; especially, a sale, gift, delivery, or using which is the first of a series, and regarded as on omen for the rest; a first installment; an earnest; as the first money received for the sale of goods in the morning, the first money taken at a shop newly opened, the first present sent to a young woman on her wedding day, etc. 2. (n.) Price; payment. 3. (n.) To give a handsel to. 4. (n.) To use or do for the first time, esp. so as to make fortunate or unfortunate; to try experimentally.
Thesaurus Academy Award Christmas present Nobel Prize Oscar accolade accommodation accord accordance action administer afford allocate allot allow apportion assign awarding badge bays bestow bestow on bestowal bestowment birthday present booby prize box cadeau communicate communication concede concession condemnation confer conferment conferral consideration consolation prize contribution deal deal out decision decoration decree deliverance delivery determination diagnosis dictum dish out dispense distinction dole dole out donate donation doom dower endow endow with endowment endue extend fairing finding first prize fork out furnish furnishment gift gift with gifting give give freely give out giving grant granting hand out handsel heap help to impart impartation impartment investiture issue jackpot kudos laurels lavish let have liberality mete mete out oblation offer offering order peace offering pour precedent present presentation presentment prize proffer prognosis pronouncement provision rain render resolution reward ruling second prize sentence serve shell out shower slip snow subscription supplying surrender sweepstakes tender tribute trophy verdict vouchsafe vouchsafement white elephant yield |