1. (n.) A luminous circle, usually prismatically colored, round the sun or moon, and supposed to be caused by the refraction of light through crystals of ice in the atmosphere. Connected with halos there are often white bands, crosses, or arches, resulting from the same atmospheric conditions.

2. (n.) A circle of light; especially, the bright ring represented in painting as surrounding the heads of saints and other holy persons; a glory; a nimbus.

3. (n.) An ideal glory investing, or affecting one's perception of, an object.

4. (n.) A colored circle around a nipple; an areola.

5. (v. t. & i.) To form, or surround with, a halo; to encircle with, or as with, a halo.

O annular muscle annulation annulus anthelion antisun areola aura aureola aureole blaze of glory brilliance brilliancy chaplet charisma circle circuit circumference circus closed circle corona coronet countersun crown cycle diadem disc discus disk envelope eternal return fairy ring garland glamour glory illustriousness lasso logical circle loop looplet lunar corona lunar halo luster magic magic circle mock moon mock sun moon dog mystique nimbus noose numinousness orbit paraselene parhelic circle parhelion radiance radius rainbow resplendence resplendency ring rondelle round roundel saucer solar corona solar halo sphincter splendor sun dog vesica vicious circle wheel wreath


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