◄ Hachure ►

(n.) A short line used in drawing and engraving, especially in shading and denoting different surfaces, as in map drawing. See Hatching.

Lambert conformal projection Mercator projection Miller projection aeronautical chart arabesque astronomical chart atlas azimuthal equidistant projection azimuthal projection band bar basketry basketwork cancellation cartographer cartography celestial chart celestial globe chart chorographer chorography climatic chart conic projection contour line contour map cross-hatching crossing-out cylindrical projection dash delineation diagonal dotted line filigree fret fretwork general reference map globe gnomonic projection graphic scale grate grating grid grid line gridiron grille grillwork hairline hatching heliographic chart hydrographic chart index interlacement intertexture intertwinement isoline lace lacery lacework lacing latitude lattice latticework layer tint legend line lineation longitude map map maker map projection mapper meridian mesh meshes meshwork net netting network parallel photogrammetrist photogrammetry photomap phototopography physical map plexure plexus political map polyconic projection projection raddle relief map representative fraction reticle reticulation reticule reticulum riddle road map scale score screen screening sieve sinusoidal projection slash special map streak streaking striation strip stripe striping stroke sublineation terrain map terrestrial globe texture thematic map tissue topographer topographic chart topography tracery transportation map trellis trelliswork underline underlining underscore underscoring virgule wattle weather chart weather map weave weaving web webbing webwork weft wicker wickerwork


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