Dictionary ( interj.) An exclamation denoting surprise, joy, or grief. Both as uttered and as written, it expresses a great variety of emotions, determined by the tone or the context. When repeated, ha, ha, it is an expression of laughter, satisfaction, or triumph, sometimes of derisive laughter; or sometimes it is equivalent to Well, it is so. Thesaurus A Alexandrine Spenserian stanza Stabreim a accent accent mark accentuation accommodate accommodation accomplished fact accomplishment accord achievement acreage act acta action ad hoc measure adapt add additionally adjust adjust to adventure air algebraize alliterative meter allocate allot allotment allowance amount amphibrach amphimacer amplitude anacrusis analogize anapest angstrom unit answer antispast antistrophe apportion apportionment appraisal appraise appraisement appreciate approach approximation area aria arsis artifice as a bonus ascertain assay assess assessment assign assimilate assize assizement astronomical unit attain attune avenue bacchius badge balance banner bar barometer barrel bass passage batch be equal to be up to beat beauty benchmark besides big end bigger half bigness bill bit bite block blow body book bound bourdon breadth bridge bring into analogy bring into comparison budget bulk bunch burden bushel bylaw ca cadence cadency caesura calculate calculation caliber calibrate caliper call call off call over call the roll canon canto cantus capacity cast catalexis census centare centimeter chain character characteristic check check a parameter chloriamb chloriambus chorus chunk cipher class clutch coda colon commission compare compare and contrast compare with compass computation compute concinnity confront constraint content contingent continuum contrast contrivance control coordinate cord cordage correction count countermove counterpoint counterpose coup couplet course course of action cover coverage cretic criterion cubic foot cubic meter cubit cup custos cut cut the mustard cut to dactyl dactylic hexameter deal deal out dealings decaliter decameter decastere deciliter decimeter decrease decree deed degree dekameter delimit delimitate demarche depth descant destiny determination determine development device diaeresis dial diameter diapason dictate dictation differentia dimension dimensions dimeter dipody direct direction dispense disperse distance distich distribute divide dividend division dkl do dochmiac dodge doing doings dole dole out dope out dose dot draw a comparison draw a parallel drop dry pint earmark edict effort elegiac elegiac couplet elegiac pentameter ell em emphasis emptiness empty space en |