Dictionary 1. ( p. p.) of Gin. 2. (n.) A weapon which throws or propels a missile to a distance; any firearm or instrument for throwing projectiles by the explosion of gunpowder, consisting of a tube or barrel closed at one end, in which the projectile is placed, with an explosive charge behind, which is ignited by various means. Muskets, rifles, carbines, and fowling pieces are smaller guns, for hand use, and are called small arms. Larger guns are called cannon, ordnance, fieldpieces, carronades, howitzers, etc. 3. (n.) A piece of heavy ordnance; in a restricted sense, a cannon. 4. (n.) Violent blasts of wind. 5. (v. i.) To practice fowling or hunting small game; -- chiefly in participial form; as, to go gunning.
Thesaurus AA gun Armstrong BAR BB gun Benet-Mercie Beretta Big Bertha Bren Bren gun Browning Cain Colt Garand Garand rifle Garling Gatling Gatling gun Hotchkiss Krupp Lancaster Lee-Enfield Lee-Metford Lewis Lewis gun Long Tom Luger Mannlicher Marlin Martini-Henry Mauser Maxim Minie Mossberg Nimrod Oerlikon Paixhans Parrott Remington Savage Smith and Wesson Snider Spandau Springfield Stevens Thompson submachine gun Vickers Vickers-Maxim Webley-Scott Winchester Y-gun adventurer air gun antiaircraft gun antitank gun antitank rifle apache archer arquebus arrest artillerist artilleryman assassin assassinator atom gun atomic cannon atomic gun automatic automatic pistol barrel bazooka beat bell bloodletter bloodshedder blowgun blowpipe blunderbuss bolt bolt-action rifle bomb thrower bombard bombardier bomber bowman bowshot bravo breech breechloader brown Bess bruiser bulldog bullet burker burp gun butcher butt button man caliver cane gun cannibal cannon cannoneer carabineer carbine carronade chamber charge chase chassepot check checkmate cock condottiere course crack shot culverin cutoff cutthroat cylinder dart gun dead shot dead stop deadeye deadlock desperado detonate detonation discharge dog drive drop eject ejection end endgame ending eradicator escopeta executioner exterminator falcon falconet fell field gun fieldpiece final whistle fire fire off firearm firelock flamethrower flintlock flush follow the hounds forty-five forty-four fowl fowling piece free lance full stop fusil fusillade garroter gat go hunting good shot goon gorilla grinding halt gun carriage gun for gunfire gunman gunner gunsel gunshot gunslinger hackbut halt hammer handgun harpoon gun harquebus hatchet man hawk head-hunter heater hedgehog hellion hired gun hired killer hireling hit hit man holy terror homicidal maniac homicide hood hoodlum hooligan horse pistol hound howitzer hunt hunt down hunter jack jacklight killer let fly let off load lock lockout machine gun machine gunner machine pistol magazine man-eater man-killer manslayer marksman markswoman massacrer matador matchlock mercenary mortar mountain gun mug mugger murderer muscle man musket musketeer musketoon muzzle muzzle-loader needle gun peashooter pedrero pelt pepper pesticide petronel pick off piece pistol plug plug-ugly poison poisoner pom-pom popgun |