1. (n.) The tube by which food and drink are carried from the pharynx to the stomach; the esophagus.

2. (n.) Something shaped like the food passage, or performing similar functions

3. (n.) A channel for water.

4. (n.) A preparatory cut or channel in excavations, of sufficient width for the passage of earth wagons.

5. (n.) A concave cut made in the teeth of some saw blades.

abdomen abomasum bay window beerbelly belly breadbasket craw crop diaphragm embonpoint esophagus fauces first stomach gizzard goozle gorge gut guzzle hals honeycomb stomach kishkes manyplies maw midriff omasum paunch pharynx pot potbelly potgut psalterium pusgut rennet bag reticulum rumen second stomach spare tire stomach swagbelly third stomach throat tum-tum tummy underbelly ventripotence weasand wizen


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