◄ Gravity ►

1. (a.) Seriousness; severity; heaviness; as, the gravity of a difficult situation\.

2. (a.) Sobriety of character or demeanor.

3. (a.) Importance, significance, dignity, etc; hence, seriousness; enormity; as, the gravity of an offense.

4. (n.) The tendency of a mass of matter toward a center of attraction; esp., the tendency of a body toward the center of the earth; terrestrial gravitation.

5. (a.) Lowness of tone; -- opposed to acuteness.

G G suit acuteness adduction affinity allurement apogeotropism attractance attraction attractiveness attractivity augustness avoirdupois beef beefiness bleakness buckram capillarity capillary attraction centripetal force ceremonial ceremoniousness ceremony courtliness darkness deadweight decorousness demureness dignifiedness dignity dismalness drag draw dreariness earnestness elevation exigency extrinsicality fatness form formality formalization geotropism gloom gloominess grandeur gravitation graviton grimness gross weight heaviness heft heftiness immediacy impersonality importance kingliness liveweight loftiness long face lordliness magnetism magnitude majesty mass moderation momentousness mutual attraction neat weight net net weight no joke no laughing matter nobility overbalance overweight pomp pomposity ponderability ponderosity ponderousness poundage pride of bearing pride of place primness princeliness proud bearing pull pulling power regality reserve rigidness ritual rituality sedateness seriousness severity significance sober-mindedness soberness sobersidedness sobersides sobriety solemnity solemnness somberness specific gravity staidness starchiness stateliness stiffness stiltedness straight face stylization sublimity sympathy temperance thoughtfulness tonnage traction tug underweight urgency venerability wearifulness wearisomeness weight weightiness worthiness


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