◄ Graduation ►

1. (n.) The act of graduating, or the state of being graduated; as, graduation of a scale; graduation at a college; graduation in color; graduation by evaporation; the graduation of a bird's tail, etc.

2. (n.) The marks on an instrument or vessel to indicate degrees or quantity; a scale.

3. (n.) The exposure of a liquid in large surfaces to the air, so as to hasten its evaporation.

advance advancement aggrandizement baccalaureate service boost celebration ceremonial ceremony commencement convocation elevation empty formality ennoblement exaltation exercise exercises formal formality function gradation grading graduation exercises inaugural inauguration initiation knighting liturgy mummery observance office passing pay raise performance preferment promotion raise religious ceremony rise rite rite de passage rite of passage ritual service shading solemnity solemnization upgrading upping


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