Dictionary 1. ( n.) Alt. of Goolde. 2. (n.) A metallic element, constituting the most precious metal used as a common commercial medium of exchange. It has a characteristic yellow color, is one of the heaviest substances known (specific gravity 19.32), is soft, and very malleable and ductile. It is quite unalterable by heat, moisture, and most corrosive agents, and therefore well suited for its use in coin and jewelry. Symbol Au (Aurum). Atomic weight 196.7. 3. (v. t.) Money; riches; wealth. 4. (n.) A yellow color, like that of the metal; as, a flower tipped with gold. 5. (v. t.) Figuratively, something precious or pure; as, hearts of gold.
Thesaurus affluence aluminum americium and pence assets aureate aureateness auric bar barium beige beryllium bismuth bottomless purse brass brassy brazen bronze bronzy buff buff-yellow bulging purse bullion cadmium calcium canary canary-yellow cash cerium cesium chrome chromium circulating medium citron citron-yellow cobalt coin gold coin silver coinage coined liberty cold cash copper coppery cream creamy cupreous cuprous currency dollars dysprosium easy circumstances ecru embarras de richesses emergency money erbium europium fallow fallowness ferrous ferruginous filthy lucre flaxen fortune fractional currency gadolinium gallium germanium gilded gilt gold nugget gold-colored gold-filled gold-plated golden handsome fortune hard cash hard currency high income high tax bracket holmium independence indium ingot iridium iron ironlike lanthanum lead leaden legal tender lemon lemon-yellow lithium lucre luteolous lutescent lutetium luxuriousness magnesia magnesium mammon managed currency manganese material wealth medium of exchange mercurial mercurous mercury mintage molybdenum money money to burn moneybags necessity money neodymium nickel nickelic nickeline niobium nugget ocherish ocherous ochery ochreous ochroid ochrous ochry opulence opulency or osmium palladium pelf pewter pewtery phosphorus platinum polonium possessions postage currency postal currency potassium pounds praseodymium precious metals primrose primrose-colored primrose-yellow promethium property prosperity prosperousness protactinium quicksilver radium rhenium riches richness rubidium ruthenium saffron saffron-colored saffron-yellow sallow samarium sand-colored sandy scandium scrip shillings silver silver-plated silvery six-figure income sodium soft currency specie steel steely sterling straw straw-colored strontium substance tantalum technetium terbium thallium the almighty dollar the wherewith the wherewithal thulium tin tinny titanium treasure tungsten upper bracket uranium vanadium wealth wealthiness wolfram xanthic xanthous yellow yellow stuff yellowish yellowishness yellowness ytterbium yttrium zinc zirconium |