Dictionary 1. ( p. pr. & vb. n.) of Glase. 2. (n.) The act or art of setting glass; the art of covering with a vitreous or glasslike substance, or of polishing or rendering glossy. 3. (n.) The glass set, or to be set, in a sash, frame. etc. 4. (n.) The glass, glasslike, or glossy substance with which any surface is incrusted or overlaid; as, the glazing of pottery or porcelain, or of paper. 5. (n.) Transparent, or semitransparent, colors passed thinly over other colors, to modify the effect.
Thesaurus blanketing blocking blotting out calcimining cementwork chromogen cloaking clouding coat coat of paint collop color color filter color gelatin colorant coloring coverage covering curtaining cut dead-color deal disk distemper drier dye dyestuff eclipse eclipsing enamel enameling enveloping envelopment enwrapment enwrapping exterior paint facing feuille film flap flat coat flat wash floor enamel foil fold fresco fur gilding glazing glossing ground hiding incrustation interior paint japanning lacquer lamella lamina laminated glass laminated wood lap laying on leaf mantling masking medium membrane obduction obscuring occultation opaque color overlaying overspreading paint painting pane panel pargeting patina peel pellicle pigment plait plank plasterwork plate plating ply plywood prime coat primer priming rasher revetment safety glass scale screening scum sheathing sheet shellacking shielding shrouding skin slab slat slice stain staining stippling stuccowork superimposition superposition table tablet tempera thinner tinction tincture transparent color turpentine turps undercoat undercoating upholstering upholstery varnish varnishing vehicle veiling veneer wafer wash wash coat whitewashing wrapping |