Dictionary 1. ( n.) Plants without chlorophyll such as yeasts, molds, smuts, and mushrooms\; any one of the Fungi, a large and very complex group of thallophytes of low organization, -- the molds, mildews, rusts, smuts, mushrooms, toadstools, puff balls, and the allies of each. 2. (n.) A spongy, morbid growth or granulation in animal bodies, as the proud flesh of wounds.
Thesaurus adenovirus aerobe aerobic bacteria amoeba amphibian anaerobe anaerobic bacteria angiosperm annual aquatic plant bacillus bacteria bacterium benign tumor biennial blast blight bread mold bug callosity callus cancer canker carcinoma coccus corn cosmopolite cutting cyst deciduous plant dicot dicotyledon disease-producing microorganism dry rot echovirus enterovirus ephemeral ergot evergreen excrescence exotic filterable virus flowering plant fungosity gametophyte germ gram-negative bacteria gram-positive bacteria green mold growth gymnosperm hydrophyte intumescence malignant growth metastatic tumor microbe microorganism mildew mold mole monocot monocotyl morbid growth moth moth and rust mushroom must neoplasm nevus nonfilterable virus nonmalignant tumor outgrowth pathogen perennial pest picornavirus plant polycot polycotyl polycotyledon protozoa protozoon proud flesh puffball reovirus rhinovirus rickettsia rot rust sarcoma seed plant seedling slime mold smut spermatophyte spirillum spirochete spore sporophyte staphylococcus streptococcus thallophyte tinea toadstool triennial truffle trypanosome tuckahoe tumor vascular plant vegetable verruca verticillium vibrio virus wart water mold weed wen worm yeast |