◄ Funeral ►

1. (n.) The solemn rites used in the disposition of a dead human body, whether such disposition be by interment, burning, or otherwise; esp., the ceremony or solemnization of interment; obsequies; burial; -- formerly used in the plural.

2. (n.) The procession attending the burial of the dead; the show and accompaniments of an interment.

3. (n.) A funeral sermon; -- usually in the plural.

4. (n.) Pertaining to a funeral; used at the interment of the dead; as, funeral rites, honors, or ceremonies.

burial burial at sea burying caravan cavalcade cinerary column cortege cremation dead march deep six dirge dirgelike dismal dress parade entombment epitaphic exequial exequies feral flyover funebrial funebrious funebrous funeral procession funerary funereal inhumation interment last post line march past mortuary motorcade mournful muffled drum mule train necrological obituary obsequial obsequies pack train parade pomp procession promenade review sepulchral sepulture skimmington stream string taps train


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