1. (v. t.) To cook in a pan or on a griddle (esp. with the use of fat, butter, or olive oil) by heating over a fire; to cook in boiling lard or fat; as, to fry fish; to fry doughnuts.

2. (v. i.) To undergo the process of frying; to be subject to the action of heat in a frying pan, or on a griddle, or in a kettle of hot fat.

3. (v. i.) To simmer; to boil.

4. (v. i.) To undergo or cause a disturbing action accompanied with a sensation of heat.

5. (v. i.) To be agitated; to be greatly moved.

6. (n.) The young of any fish.

7. (n.) A swarm or crowd, especially of little fishes; young or small things in general.

Loch Ness monster alevin bake barbecue baste be in heat benthon benthos blanch blaze bloom boil braise brew broil brood brown burn casserole cetacean choke clutch coddle combust cook course cover culinary masterpiece culinary preparation curry devil dish do do to perfection dolphin entree farrow fingerling fire fish flame flame up flare flare up flicker flush fricassee frizz frizzle game fish gasp get glow griddle grill grilse hatch heat incandesce kipper litter main dish man-eater man-eating shark marine animal minnow minny nekton nest oven-bake pan pan-broil panfish pant parboil parch plankton poach porpoise prepare prepare food radiate heat roast salmon saute scald scallop scorch sea monster sea pig sea serpent sea snake sear seethe shark shimmer with heat shirr side dish simmer smolder smolt smother spark spat spawn sponge steam stew stifle stir-fry suffocate sweat swelter toast tropical fish whale young


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