◄ Frivolous ►

1. (a.) Trivial; of little weight or importance; slight; as, a frivolous argument\.

2. (a.) Given to trifling; marked with unbecoming levity; silly; interested especially in trifling matters.

aimless airy amorphous asinine birdbrained birdwitted brainless buxom capricious casual catchpenny childish desultory disarticulated discontinuous disjunct disordered dispersed disproportionate dizzy empty empty-headed erratic fatuous featherbrained featherheaded fitful flighty flimsy flip flippant fluffy fluttery foolish formless fribble fribbling frothy futile gaga giddy giddy-brained giddy-headed giddy-pated giddy-witted gleeful gratuitous haphazard harebrain harebrained hilarious hit-or-miss idle immethodical inane inchoate incoherent inconsequential indiscriminate insignificant irregular irresponsible jocular jocund jolly jovial joyful joyous laughter-loving light meaningless merry minor mirth-loving mirthful misshapen niggling nonsymmetrical nonsystematic nonuniform nugacious nugatory orderless otiose paltry peripheral petty planless playful promiscuous puerile random rattlebrained rattleheaded rattlepated rejoicing risible scatterbrained scramblebrained senseless shallow shallow-headed shallow-minded shallow-pated shallow-witted shapeless shatterbrained silly slender slight small-time spasmodic sporadic straggling straggly superficial systemless thoughtless trifling trite trivial two-bit twopenny unarranged unclassified undirected ungraded unimportant unjoined unmethodical unordered unorganized unprofound unsorted unsymmetrical unsystematic ununiform vacuous vague vain vapid volatile wandering windy witless worthless


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