Dictionary 1. ( n.) Any bird; esp., any large edible bird. 2. (n.) Any domesticated bird used as food, as a hen, turkey, duck; in a more restricted sense, the common domestic cock or hen (Gallus domesticus). 3. (v. i.) To catch or kill wild fowl, for game or food, as by shooting, or by decoys, nets, etc.
Thesaurus Bantam Cornish hen avifauna baby bird banty barn-door fowl barnyard fowl beat biddy bird bird of Jove bird of Juno bird of Minerva bird of night bird of passage bird of prey birdie birdlife birdy breast broiler brooder broody hen cage bird caille canard caneton capon chanticleer chapon chase chick chickabiddy chicken chicken foot chicky cock cockerel course cygnet dark meat dindon diving bird dog domestic fowl dove drake drive drumstick duck duckling dunghill fowl eagle eaglet faisan falcon fish-eating bird fledgling flightless bird flush follow the hounds fruit-eating bird fryer fulmar game bird game fowl gander giblets go hunting gobbler goose gosling grouse guinea cock guinea fowl guinea hen gun hawk hen hen turkey hound hunt hunt down insect-eating bird jack jacklight leg migrant migratory bird neck nestling oie oscine bird owl oyster partlet partridge passerine bird peacock peafowl peahen perching bird pheasant pigeon pigeonneau poulard poulet poult poultry prowl after pullet quail ratite ride to hounds roaster rooster run sea bird seed-eating bird setting hen shikar shoot shore bird songbird sport spring chicken squab stalk start stewing chicken still-hunt storm petrel stormy petrel swan thigh tom tom turkey track trail turkey turkey foot turkey gobbler turkey-cock volaille wading bird warbler water bird waterfowl white meat wild duck wildfowl wing wishbone |