1. (
n.) An agreement; a covenant; a promise.
2. (adv.) Alt. of Forwards.
3. (a.) Near, or at the fore part; in advance of something else; as, the forward gun in a ship, or the forward ship in a fleet.
4. (a.) Ready; prompt; strongly inclined; in an ill sense, overready; to hasty.
5. (a.) Ardent; eager; earnest; in an ill sense, less reserved or modest than is proper; bold; confident; as, the boy is too forward for his years.
6. (a.) Advanced beyond the usual degree; advanced for season; as, the grass is forward, or forward for the season; we have a forward spring.
7. (v. t.) To help onward; to advance; to promote; to accelerate; to quicken; to hasten; as, to forward the growth of a plant; to forward one in improvement.
8. (v. t.) To send forward; to send toward the place of destination; to transmit; as, to forward a letter.
a bit previous accelerate acculturate acquiescent act for actuate address advance advanced advancing advantage adventurous agog agreeable ahead aid air-express airfreight airmail alacritous alee all agog along ameliorate amenable amend animate animated answer ante anterior anxious ardent arrogant assist audacious avid back be instrumental be right befit befitting beforehand benefit better bold boost bowl brash brazen brazenfaced breathless bring forward bumptious bundle bunt bursting to bustle busy busybody butt champion cheeky chief circulate civilize clockwise cold come across with compel compliant conduce to consenting consign content contribute to controlled contumelious cool cooperative crowd daredevil daring death-defying decide deliver deliver over desirous determine disdainful dispatch disposed disrespectful distribute do the trick docile drive drive on drop a letter eager edify educate elevate embark emend en route to encourage enhance enlighten enrich enthusiastic exhibitionistic expedite export express facilitate facing familiar far ahead fatten favor favorable favorably disposed favorably inclined fill the bill fire-eating firm-minded first fit flagrant flip flippant foolhardy for fore forehand foremost fork over forth forward-looking forwards foster freight fresh front frontal frontward frontwards full of life further game give an impetus give in give momentum give out give over go between go straight go-ahead goad half-baked half-cocked hand hand in hand out hand over harebrained haste hasten hasten on hasty head headmost headward headwards help hie on hubristic hurry hurry along hurry on hurry up hustle hustle up ill-considered immodest impatient impel impertinent importunate improve improve upon impudent impulsive in advance in the mind in the mood incite inclined independent influence inquisitive insolent insulting keen lard lead to leading lend wings to lift lively madbrain madbrained madcap mail make an improvement make for meddlesome meddling mediate meliorate mend minded minister to motivate move moving nervy nosy not come amiss not firm notorious nourish nurture obtrusive officious on oncoming ongoing onward onwards out overhasty overpresumptuous oversoon overweening panting pass pass out pass over patronize pedal pert pliant