◄ Fixation ►

1. (n.) The act of fixing, or the state of being fixed.

2. (n.) The act of uniting chemically with a solid substance or in a solid form; reduction to a non-volatile condition; -- said of gaseous elements.

3. (n.) The act or process of ceasing to be fluid and becoming firm.

4. (n.) A state of resistance to evaporation or volatilization by heat; -- said of metals.

Freudian fixation anchorage arrest arrestation arrested development arrestment blockage blocking check clogging closing up closure colonization complex compulsion confirmation constriction cramp craze deep-rootedness deep-seatedness delay detainment detention embedment entrenchment establishment fascination father fixation fetish fixed idea fixedness fixity fixture foot-dragging foundation hampering hang-up hindering hindrance holdback holdup hypercathexis idee fixe immobility impediment implantation inaction inactivity inauguration infantile fixation infatuation infixion inhibition initiation installation installment interference interruption investiture inveteracy irresistible impulse kick let libido fixation lodgment mania monomania mooring morbid drive mother fixation motionlessness negativism nuisance value obsession obsessive compulsion obstruction obstructionism occlusion opposition parent fixation peopling plantation population possession pregenital fixation preoccupation prepossession regression repression resistance restraint restriction retardation retardment retreat to immaturity ruling passion setback settlement settling squeeze stabilization stranglehold stricture suppression thing tic


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