◄ Firework ►

1. (n.) A device for producing a striking display of light, or a figure or figures in plain or colored fire, by the combustion of materials that burn in some peculiar manner, as gunpowder, sulphur, metallic filings, and various salts. The most common feature of fireworks is a paper or pasteboard tube filled with the combustible material. A number of these tubes or cases are often combined so as to make, when kindled, a great variety of figures in fire, often variously colored. The skyrocket is a common form of firework. The name is also given to various combustible preparations used in war.

2. (n.) A pyrotechnic exhibition.

Roman candle antiaircraft fire bomb cap cherry bomb cracker cross fire curtain fire direct fire dry fire file fire fire fire of demolition firecracker firepower firework firing flack flak flare flowerpot girandole ground fire gunfight gunfire gunplay high-angle fire horizontal fire interdiction fire ladyfinger machine-gun fire mortar fire musketry percussion fire pinwheel pistol fire pyrotechnic pyrotechnics pyrotechny raking fire rapid fire ricochet fire rifle fire rocket serpent shellfire shoot-out shooting skyrocket snake sparkler squib time fire torpedo vertical fire zone fire


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