◄ Fieriness ►

(n.) The quality of being fiery; heat; acrimony; irritability; as, a fieriness of temper.

Amor Christian love Eros Platonic love abandon acquiescence activity admiration adoration affection agape agreeability agreeableness alacrity allegiance amenability anger animation application ardency assiduity assiduousness attachment avidity bodily love brio briskness brotherly love calenture caritas charity cheerful consent commitment committedness compliance concentration concupiscence conjugal love consent cooperativeness curiosity dedication desideration desire devotedness devotion devoutness diligence docility drive eagerness earnestness ecstasy elan energeticalness energy enthusiasm excitement faith faithful love faithfulness fancy fantasy favorable disposition favorableness fealty fervency fervidity fervidness fervor fidelity fieriness fire flame fondness forwardness free love free-lovism furor fury galvanization gameness glow goodwill gusto heart heartiness heat heatedness hero worship hope horme hurrah idolatry idolism idolization impassionedness impetuosity impetus indefatigability industriousness industry intellectual curiosity intensity intentness joie de vivre keenness laboriousness lasciviousness libido life like liking liveliness love lovemaking loyalty lust for learning lustiness married love mettle mind need passion passionateness perkiness pertness physical love piety pleasure pleasure principle pliability pliancy popular regard popularity promptness quickening readiness receptive mood receptiveness receptivity regard relentlessness relish resolution responsiveness right mood robustness savor sedulity sedulousness sentiment seriousness sex sexual desire sexual love shine sincerity soul spirit spiritedness spiritual love stimulation strenuousness tender feeling tender passion thirst for knowledge tirelessness tractability truelove ungrudgingness unloathness unreluctance unsparingness urge uxoriousness vehemence verve vivacity want wanting warmth warmth of feeling weakness will will and pleasure willing ear willing heart willingness wish wish fulfillment worship yearning zeal zealousness zest zestfulness zing


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