◄ Exuberance ►

(n.) Joyful enthusiasm; an overflowing quantity\; a copious or excessive production or supply; superabundance; richness; as, an exuberance of joy, of fancy, or of foliage.

abandon abundance affluence ample sufficiency ampleness amplitude animal spirits animation ardor avalanche beatification beatitude bewitchment blessedness bliss blissfulness bonanza bountifulness bountiousness bumper crop buoyancy capersomeness cheer cheerfulness cloud nine cloud of words coltishness copiousness delectation delight diffuseness diffusion diffusiveness ecstasy ecstatics effervescence effusion effusiveness elan elation enchantment esprit exaltation exhilaration extravagance fecundity felicity fertility flood flow fluency foison formlessness friskiness frolicsomeness fructiferousness fruitfulness full measure fullness gaiety gamesomeness gayness generosity generousness gladness glee great abundance great plenty gush gushing gusto happiness heartiness heaven high spirits intoxication joy joyance joyfulness landslide lavishness liberality liberalness life liveliness logorrhea lots lushness luxuriance macrology maximum more than enough much myriad myriads numerousness opulence opulency outpour outpouring overflow overhappiness overjoyfulness palilogy paradise piss and vinegar playfulness plenitude plenteousness plentifulness plenty pleonasm pregnancy prevalence procreativeness prodigality productive capacity productiveness productivity profuseness profusion prolificacy prolificity quantities rampancy rankness rapture ravishment redundancy reiteration reiterativeness repetition for effect repetitiveness repleteness repletion rich harvest rich vein richness riot riotousness rollicksomeness rompishness scads seventh heaven shower skittishness spate spirit spiritedness spirits sportiveness sprightliness stream substantiality substantialness sunshine superabundance superfluity superflux swarmingness talkativeness tautology teeming womb teemingness tirade transport unalloyed happiness verve vigor vim vitality vivacity wealth zest zestfulness zip


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