◄ Extruding ►

(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Extrude.

abrupt adventurous arrant arrogant audacious aweless barefaced blatant bluff bold as brass bold-spirited boldfaced bossed bossy brash brassy brave brazen brazenfaced breakneck bumptious challenging chased cheeky chivalric chivalrous clear cocky confident conspicuous contemptuous contumelious courageous daredevil daring dauntless death-defying defiant defying derisive disdainful disregardful distinct doughty embossed eminent emissile enterprising excrescent excrescential exhibitionistic extruding fearless fire-eating fit for sea flagrant foolhardy forward fresh gallant glaring greathearted greatly daring hanging out hardy harebrained headlong heroic herolike immodest impertinent impudent in relief in the foreground incautious insolent intrepid ironhearted jutting knightlike knightly lionhearted lost to shame madbrain madbrained madcap manful manly nervy notable noticeable notorious obtrusive ostensible outstanding pert plucky plunging precipitous presumptuous procacious prognathous projecting prominent pronounced protrudent protruding protrusile protrusive protuberant protuberating raised rapid rash reckless regardless of consequences resolute salient sassy saucy sea-kindly seaworthy shameless sharp sheer smart smart-alecky snug soldierlike soldierly stalwart staring stark-staring steep sticking out stiff stout stouthearted striking strong swaggering temerarious tender unabashed unafraid unashamed unblushing undaunted unembarrassed unmodest valiant valorous venturesome vertical vigorous vivid waterproof watertight weatherly wild wild-ass


Extruded Plastic
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