Dictionary 1. ( n.) The act of laying open, setting forth, laying bare of protection\, depriving of care or concealment, or setting out to reprobation or contempt. 2. (n.) The state of being exposed or laid open or bare; openness to danger; accessibility to anything that may affect, especially detrimentally; as, exposure to observation, to cold, to inconvenience. 3. (n.) Position as to points of compass, or to influences of climate, etc. 4. (n.) The exposing of a sensitized plate to the action of light.
Thesaurus ASA exposure index DIN number PR acquaintance airing apocalypse apparition appearance appearing arising aspect attitude avatar azimuth ballyhoo baring bearing bearings blurb bright light bringing to light casual discovery catching celebrity celestial navigation chance discovery coming coming into being coming-forth common knowledge communicating communication contact cry currency danger daylight dead reckoning defenselessness demonstration denudation desquamation detection determination determining direction discernibleness disclosing disclosure disconfirmation discovering discovery display disproof disproval disproving distinguishment divestment divulging eclat emergence enactment endangerment epiphany espial excavation excoriation exfoliation exhibit exhibition exhibitionism exhumation experience explosion expose exposition exposure meter f-stop fame familiarity famousness film rating film speed find finding finding out fix forthcoming frontage glare hazard helplessness hoopla hue and cry imperilment incarnation indecent exposure invalidation invention issuance jeopardy knowledge lay laying bare laying open leak leaking lens opening liability lie light meter limelight line of position locating location lucky strike manifestation materialization materializing maximum dissemination nakedness negation nonimmunity notoriety observability occurrence opening openness orientation ostentation outcrop outcropping outlook patefaction perceptibility performance peril pilotage plug position position line presentation presentment press notice production projection public eye public knowledge public relations public report publication publicity publicity story publicness publishing puff radio bearing realization reclame recognition redargution rediscovery reductio ad absurdum removal removing the veil report representation retrospective revealing revealment revelation rise rising risk seeableness serendipity set setting show showing showing forth showing up showup shutter speed spotlight spotting strike stripping susceptibility susceptivity the seen the visible theophany time exposure treasure trove trouvaille trove uncloaking uncovering unearthing unfolding unfoldment unmasking unprotection unveiling unwrapping varnishing day vernissage view visibility visibleness visuality vulnerability what is revealed write-up |