Dictionary 1. ( a.) Tending to or causing violent and sudden outburst\; bursting out with violence and noise; causing explosion; as, the explosive force of gunpowder. 2. (n.) An explosive agent; a compound or mixture susceptible of a rapid chemical reaction, as gunpowder, or nitro-glycerin. 3. (n.) A sound produced by an explosive impulse of the breath; (Phonetics) one of consonants p, b, t, d, k, g, which are sounded with a sort of explosive power of voice. [See Guide to Pronunciation, 155-7, 184.]
Thesaurus Ballistite TNT agitable alarming allophone alveolar anxious apico-alveolar apico-dental articulation aspiration assimilation bad banging bilabial blasting bursting cacuminal cellulose nitrate cerebral chancy check combustible consonant continuant cordite cracking crashing critical dangerous dangersome delicate dental detonating dicey diphthong dissimilation dynamite edgy emotional emotionally unstable epenthetic vowel eruptive excitable explodable exploding explosible fiery flapping fraught fraught with danger fulminating gelignite glide glottal glottalization gunpowder guttural hasty hazardous high explosive high-mettled high-spirited high-strung highly emotional hot hot-tempered hotheaded iffy inflammable irascible irritable jeopardous knocking labial labialization labiodental labiovelar laryngeal lateral lingual liquid manner of articulation melinite menacing mettlesome modification monophthong morphophoneme mute nasal nasty nervous nitrocotton nitroglycerin occlusive palatal parasitic vowel parlous passionate peak peppery periculous perilous perturbable pharyngeal pharyngealization phone phoneme plastic plastic explosive plosive popping powder precarious prickly prothetic vowel quick quick-tempered rapping retroflex segmental phoneme semivowel sensitive serious shaky short-tempered skittish slapping slatting smokeless powder sonant sonority speech sound spunky startlish stop surd syllabic nucleus syllabic peak syllable tapping tense threatening touch-and-go touchy transition sound trinitrotoluol triphthong ugly uncertain unpredictable unsound unstable velar villanous saltpetre vocable vocalic vocoid voice voiced sound voiceless sound voicing volatile volcanic vowel |