Dictionary 1. ( n.) The act of bursting violently; detonation\; a chemical action which causes the sudden formation of a great volume of expanded gas; as, the explosion of gunpowder, of fire damped. 2. (n.) A bursting with violence and loud noise, because of internal pressure; as, the explosion of a gun, a bomb, a steam boiler, etc. 3. (n.) A violent outburst of feeling, manifested by excited language, action, etc.; as, an explosion of wrath.
Thesaurus accelerando acceleration access aggravation backfire bang bark beefing-up blast blaze blaze of temper blowing up blowout blowup boom burgeoning burst clap concentration condensation consolidation convulsion crack crash cyclone deepening detonation discharge disconfirmation disproof disproval disproving enhancement eruption exacerbation exaggeration expansion expose exposure fit flare flare-up flash fulguration fulmination fusillade gale gunshot gust heating-up heightening high words hurricane increase information explosion intensification invalidation irruption magnification mushrooming negation outbreak outburst paddy paroxysm pickup pop population explosion redargution redoubling reductio ad absurdum reinforcement report sally salvo scene seizure shot spasm speedup step-up storm strengthening tantrum tempest tightening tornado upheaval volley wax whirlwind |