Dictionary 1. ( v. t.) To spend, consume, apply, or employ; as to expend energy\; to use up or distribute, either in payment or in donations; to spend; as, they expend money for food or in charity; to expend time labor, and thought; to expend hay in feeding cattle, oil in a lamp, water in mechanical operations. 2. (v. i.) To be laid out, used, or consumed. 3. (v. i.) To pay out or disburse money.
Thesaurus ablate absorb assimilate bestow bleed white blow budget burn up consecrate to consume cost cost out dedicate to deplete devote digest disburse disbursement dish out dispense dissipate distribute drain drain of resources eat eat up employ erode exhaust expenditure finish finish off fork out give give over to give to go go through gobble gobble up impoverish incur costs ingest invest lay out lose open the purse outlay pass pay pay out put in put out run through sap schedule shell out sink money in spend spill splurge squander suck dry swallow swallow up throw money around use use up wash up waste waste away wear away while while away wile |