Dictionary 1. ( n.) The act of exhibiting for inspection, or of holding forth to view; manifestation; display. 2. (n.) That which is exhibited, held forth, or displayed; also, any public show; a display of works of art, or of feats of skill, or of oratorical or dramatic ability; as, an exhibition of animals; an exhibition of pictures, statues, etc.; an industrial exhibition. 3. (n.) Sustenance; maintenance; allowance, esp. for meat and drink; pension. Specifically: (Eng. Univ.) Private benefaction for the maintenance of scholars. 4. (n.) The act of administering a remedy.
Thesaurus benefit bill blazon bravura brilliancy cosmorama cyclorama daring dash debut demo demonstration diorama display dramatics eclat enactment entertainment etalage exhibit exhibitionism expo exposition exposure fair false front fanfaronade farewell performance figure flair flaunt flaunting flesh show flourish georama histrionics light show manifestation myriorama offering opening ostentation pageant pageantry panorama parade performance phantasmagoria pomp premiere presentation presentment production projection psychedelic show representation retrospective sham shifting scene show showing showing-off sight spectacle splash splurge stage presentation stage show staginess swan song tableau tableau vivant theatrical performance theatrics tryout unfolding unfoldment unveiling varnishing day vaunt vernissage |