Dictionary 1. ( a.) Designed or fitted for execution, or carrying into effect; as, executive talent; qualifying for, concerned with, or pertaining to, the execution of the laws or the conduct of affairs; as, executive power or authority; executive duties, officer, department, etc. 2. (n.) An impersonal title of the chief magistrate or officer who administers the government, whether king, president, or governor; the governing person or body.
Thesaurus administrating administration administrative administrator archon big cheese board board of directors board of regents board of trustees boss bureaucratic businessman businesswoman cabinet cadre captain castellan chancellor chatelain chatelaine chief executive chief executive officer commandant commander council dean directing director directorate directorship directory entrepreneur exec executive arm executive committee executive director executive hierarchy executive officer executive secretary foreman governing governing board governing body government governmental governor gubernatorial head infrastructure intendant interlocking directorate kingpin leader leadership magistrate management manager managerial managing managing director master ministerial number one officer official officiating overseer prefect president presiding prexy principal provost regulatory ruler secretary steering committee superintendent supervision supervisor supervisory the administration the brass the executive the people upstairs top brass top dog treasurer vice-chancellor vice-president warden |