Dictionary 1. (n.) The act of cursing, or the accused thing itself\; a curse dictated by violent feelings of hatred; imprecation; utter detestation expressed.2. (n.) That which is execrated; a detested thing. Thesaurus Anglophobia Russophobia abhorrence abomination abuse anathema anti-Semitism antipathy assailing assault attack aversion ban berating bigotry bitter words blackening blasphemy commination contumely curse cursing cussing damnation denunciation despitefulness detestation diatribe dislike evil eye excommunication fulmination hard words hate hatred hex imprecation invective jawing jeremiad loathing malevolence malice malignity malison malocchio misandry misanthropy misogyny odium onslaught peeve pet peeve philippic phobia profanity proscription race hatred racism rating repugnance revilement screed spite spitefulness swearing thundering tirade tongue-lashing vials of hate vials of wrath vilification vituperation whammy xenophobia |