◄ Exchanged ►

(imp. & p. p.) of Exchange.

able to adapt adaptable adjustable adrift afloat agnostic alterable alterative altered alternating ambiguous ambitendent ambivalent amorphous at loose ends better bland brittle capricious chancy changed changeful changing checkered choppy commutable commutative converted convertible coquettish corruptible deciduous degenerate desultory deviable deviant deviating deviative deviatory dicey different disorderly divaricate divergent diversified diversiform dizzy double-minded doubting dubious dying eccentric ephemeral equal equalizing equivalent equivocal erose erratic evanescent even ever-changing exchanged faddish fading fast and loose fence-sitting fence-straddling fickle fitful fleeting flexible flickering flighty flirtatious flitting fluctuating fluid fly-by-night flying fragile frail freakish fugacious fugitive giddy give-and-take halfhearted hesitant hesitating impermanent impetuous impressionable improved impulsive incalculable inconsistent inconstant indecisive indemonstrable infirm infirm of purpose infirm of will insipid insubstantial interchangeable interchanged irregular irresolute irresolved irresponsible jagged jerky kaleidoscopic labile light malleable many-sided mazy mercurial metamorphic metamorphosed metastasized milk-and-water milky mobile modifiable modified momentary moody mortal motley movable mugwumpian mugwumpish mushy mutable mutant mutual neutral nonconformist nondurable nonpermanent nonstandard nonuniform of two minds passing perishable permutable plastic pliant pluralistic polysemous protean proteiform qualified quicksilver ragged rambling rebuilt reciprocal reciprocating reciprocative reformed renewed resilient restless retaliatory returnable revived revolutionary rough roving rubbery scatterbrained shapeless shifting shifty short-lived shuffling skeptical skittish spasmodic spineless sporadic standard subversive supple swapped switched tasteless temporal temporary touch-and-go toying traded transformable transformed transient transitive transitory translated transmuted transposed unaccountable uncertain unconfirmable uncontrolled unconvinced undecided undependable undetermined undisciplined undivinable undurable unenduring unequable unequal uneven unfixed unforeseeable unmitigated unorthodox unpersuaded unpredictable unprovable unreliable unresolved unrestrained unsettled unstable unstable as water unstaid unsteadfast unsteady unsure unsystematic ununiform unverifiable vacillating vagrant vapid variable variegated variform various varying versatile vicissitudinary vicissitudinous volatile wandering wanton watery


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