1. (n.) A wandering; a roving or irregular course.

2. (n.) A wandering or deviation from the right course or standard; irregularity; mistake; inaccuracy; something made wrong or left wrong; as, an error in writing or in printing; a clerical error.

3. (n.) A departing or deviation from the truth; falsity; false notion; wrong opinion; mistake; misapprehension.

4. (n.) A moral offense; violation of duty; a sin or transgression; iniquity; fault.

5. (n.) The difference between the approximate result and the true result; -- used particularly in the rule of double position.

6. (n.) The difference between an observed value and the true value of a quantity.

7. (n.) The difference between the observed value of a quantity and that which is taken or computed to be the true value; -- sometimes called residual error.

8. (n.) A mistake in the proceedings of a court of record in matters of law or of fact.

9. (n.) A fault of a player of the side in the field which results in failure to put out a player on the other side, or gives him an unearned base.

ALGOL Albigensianism Arianism COBOL Catharism Ebionitism Erastianism FORTRAN Gnosticism Jovinianism Lollardy Manichaeanism Manichaeism Monophysism Monophysitism Pelagianism Waldensianism Wyclifism abomination abuse of terms alphabetic data alphanumeric code angular data antinomianism assembler at fault atrocity bad bad job bevue binary digit binary scale binary system bit bloomer blooper blunder bobble boggle bonehead play boner boo-boo boob botch breach bug bull bungle byte catachresis clanger clerical error clumsy performance command pulses commands compiler computer code computer language computer program contorting control signals controlled quantity correcting signals corrigendum crime crime against humanity data deadly sin delinquency delusion dereliction disgrace distortion eisegesis emanatism enormity erratum erroneously erroneousness error in judgment error signals etourderie evil failure fallaciousness fallacy false doctrine falsehood falseness falsity fault faute faux pas feedback pulses feedback signals felony film data flagitiousness flaw flub fluff foozle foul-up fumble gaffe garbling gaucherie genocide gloss goof guilty act hash heavy sin heresy hexadecimal system howler human error hylotheism illusion impropriety in error inaccuracy incorrect incorrectly indecorum indiscretion inexpiable sin infamy information iniquity injudiciousness injury injustice input data input quantity instructions knavery lapse literal machine language malefaction malentendu malfeasance malobservation malum mess message minor wrong misapplication misappreciation misapprehension misbelief miscalculation miscarriage miscitation miscomputation misconception misconduct misconjecture misconstruction miscount miscue misdeal misdeed misdemeanor misdoing misestimation misevaluation misexplanation misexplication misexposition misfeasance misidentification misintelligence misinterpretation misjudgment misplay misprint misquotation misreading misrendering misreport miss misstatement misstep mistake mistaken mistakenly mistranslation misunderstanding misuse misuse of words misvaluation mortal sin muff multiple messages near-miss noise nonfeasance numeric data obliquity octal system off day offense omission oscillograph data output data output quantity outrage oversight pantheism peccadillo peccancy perversion play polar data poor judgment punch-card data random data rectangular data reference quantity reprobacy rock ruly English sad work scandal screamer shame signals sin sin of commission sin of omission sinful act single messages skewed judgment slip slipup solecism squeezing stumble tort torturing transgression trespass trip twisting typo typographical error unorganized data untruth unutterable sin venial sin villainy visible-speech data


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