Dictionary 1. ( n.) The act of erecting, or raising upright; the act of constructing, as a building or a wall, or of fitting together the parts of, as a machine; the act of founding or establishing, as a commonwealth or an office; also, the act of rousing to excitement or courage. 2. (n.) The state of being erected, lifted up, built, established, or founded; exaltation of feelings or purposes. 3. (n.) State of being stretched to stiffness; tension. 4. (n.) Anything erected; a building of any kind. 5. (n.) The state of a part which, from having been soft, has become hard and swollen by the accumulation of blood in the erectile tissue.
Thesaurus Dymaxion house White House adobe house apotheosis architecture ascent assembly assumption beatification building canonization casa casting cliff dwelling composition construct construction consulate conversion country house country seat crafting craftsmanship creation cultivation dacha deanery deification devising dwelling house edifice elaboration elevation embassy enshrinement erecting escalation establishment exaltation extraction fabric fabrication farm farmhouse fashioning formation forming formulation framing growing hall handicraft handiwork harvesting heaving up height house houseboat lake dwelling lifting living machine lodge lofting machining making manor house manse manufacture manufacturing milling mining molding packaged house parsonage penthouse pile prefab prefabricated house prefabrication preparation presidential palace processing producing pyramid raising ranch house rearing rectory refining roof shaping skyscraper smelting sod house split-level standing on end structure superstructure sursum corda tower town house upbuoying upcast upheaval uplift uplifting upping upraising uprearing upthrow upthrust vicarage workmanship |