◄ Envenom ►

1. (v. t.) To taint or impregnate with venom, or any substance noxious to life; to poison; to render dangerous or deadly by poison, as food, drink, a weapon; as, envenomed meat, wine, or arrow; also, to poison (a person) by impregnating with venom.

2. (v. t.) To taint or impregnate with bitterness, malice, or hatred; to imbue as with venom; to embitter.

abuse acerbate afflict aggravate aggrieve alienate antagonize befoul bewitch bitter blight condemn corrupt crucify curse damage defile deprave despoil destroy disadvantage disserve distress do a mischief do evil do ill do wrong do wrong by doom embitter empoison estrange exacerbate get into trouble harass harm heat up hex hurt impair infect infuriate injure jinx madden maltreat menace mistreat molest outrage persecute play havoc with play hob with poison pollute prejudice provoke savage scathe set against set at odds sour taint threaten torment torture violate wound wreak havoc on wrong


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