Dictionary 1. ( n.) The act of receiving as host, or of amusing, admitting, or cherishing; hospitable reception; also, reception or treatment, in general. 2. (n.) That which entertains, or with which one is entertained; as: (a) Hospitality; hospitable provision for the wants of a guest; especially, provision for the table; a hospitable repast; a feast; a formal or elegant meal. (b) That which engages the attention agreeably, amuses or diverts, whether in private, as by conversation, etc., or in public, by performances of some kind; amusement. 3. (n.) Admission into service; service. 4. (n.) Payment of soldiers or servants; wages.
Thesaurus Kaffeeklatsch amusement animal pleasure ball benefit bill blowout board bodily pleasure carnal delight cocktail party coffee klatch comfort content contentment costume party coziness creature comforts debut dinner dinner party distraction diversion divertisement divertissement donation party ease endpleasure enjoyment euphoria exhibit exhibition extravaganza farewell performance feed festivity flesh show forepleasure fruition fun garden party gratification great satisfaction gusto hearty enjoyment hen party house party house-raising housewarming intellectual pleasure joie de vivre keen pleasure kicks lawn party luxury mask masque masquerade masquerade party meal meat mess mirth pageant party passe-temps pastime performance physical pleasure play pleasure premiere presentation presentment production quiet pleasure recreation refection refreshment regalement relaxation relief relish repas repast satisfaction self-gratification self-indulgence sensual pleasure sensuous pleasure sexual pleasure shindig shindy show shower smoker solace spectacle spectacular sport spread stag stag party stage presentation surprise party swan song sweetness of life table theatrical performance titillation treat tryout voluptuousness well-being zest |