Dictionary 1. ( n.) That which is undertaken; something attempted to be performed; a work projected which involves activity, courage, energy, and the like; a bold, arduous, or hazardous attempt; an undertaking; as, a manly enterprise; a warlike enterprise. 2. (n.) Willingness or eagerness to engage in labor which requires boldness, promptness, energy, and like qualities; as, a man of great enterprise. 3. (v. t.) To undertake; to begin and attempt to perform; to venture upon. 4. (v. t.) To treat with hospitality; to entertain. 5. (v. i.) To undertake an enterprise, or something hazardous or difficult.
Thesaurus Aktiengesellschaft accomplished fact accomplishment achievement act acta action activities activity adventure adventuresomeness adventurousness affair affairs aggression aggressiveness aktiebolag ambition ambitiousness approach aristeia arrangement attack attempt audaciousness audacity bag balls bang blow blueprint blueprinting body corporate bold stroke boldness bravado bravura business business establishment calculation campaign cartel cause chamber of commerce charting combine commerce commercial enterprise commitment compagnie company conception concern concernment conglomerate conglomerate corporation consolidating company consortium contract contrivance copartnership corporate body corporation coup courage daring dash deal dealings deed derring-do design determination device disposition diversified corporation doing doings drive dynamism eagerness effort employ employment emprise endeavor energy engagement enterprisingness enthusiasm envisagement establishment exploit fait accompli feat figuring fire firm foolhardiness force forcefulness foresight forethought function game gest get-up-and-get get-up-and-go getup ginger go go-ahead go-getting go-to-itiveness graphing ground plan guidelines gumption guts hand handiwork heroic act holding company house hustle idea industry initiative intention interest inventiveness job joint-stock association joint-stock company kick labor layout lineup long-range plan lookout maneuver mapping master plan matter measure method methodology mettle move obligation occupation operating company operation operations research organization outfit overboldness overt act partnership passage pep pepper performance piss and vinegar pizzazz plan planning planning function plunderbund pool poop prearrangement procedure proceeding production program program of action project proposition public utility punch purpose purposefulness pursuit push pushfulness pushiness pushingness rationalization res gestae resolve schedule schema schematism schematization scheme scheme of arrangement self-reliance service setup snap speculation spirit spunk starch step stock company strategic plan strategy striving stroke struggle stunt syndicate system systematization tactical plan tactics task the big picture the picture thing thing done thrust tour de force trade association transaction trust turn undertaking up-and-comingness utility venture venturesomeness venturousness verve vigor vim way work working plan works zeal zing zip |