◄ Enchantment ►

1. (n.) The act of enchanting; the production of certain wonderful effects by the aid of demons, or the agency of supposed spirits; the use of magic arts, spells, or charms; incantation.

2. (n.) The effect produced by the act; the state of being enchanted; as, to break an enchantment.

3. (n.) That which captivates the heart and senses; an influence or power which fascinates or highly delights.

Jonah affection affectionateness agacerie alchemy allure allurement amativeness amorousness appeal appealingness ascendancy attraction attractiveness authority bad influence beatification beatitude bedevilment beguilement beguiling bewitchery bewitchment blandishment blessedness bliss blissfulness cajolery captivation charisma charm charmingness cheer cheerfulness cloud nine clout come-hither conjuration consequence control credit curse delectation delight delightfulness demonstrativeness divination dominance domination ecstasy ecstatics effect elation eminence enravishment enthrallment enticement entrancement entrapment esteem evil eye evil genius evil star exaltation exhilaration exquisiteness exuberance fantasy fascination favor felicity ferlie fetishism flirtation forbidden fruit force gaiety gladness glamour glee goatishness good feeling grace gramarye happiness heaven hex high spirits hold hoodoo horniness ill wind illusion importance incantation incidental power inducement influence influentiality insinuation interest intoxication inveiglement invitation invitingness jinx joy joyance joyfulness juju jujuism leadership leverage loveliness lovelornness lovesickness luxury magic magnetism malevolent influence malocchio mastery maya mesmerism miracle moment natural magic necromancy obeah obsession overhappiness overjoyfulness paradise personality persuasion possession potency power predominance preponderance pressure prestige prodigy purchase rapture ravishment reign repute romanticism rule rune say seducement seduction seductiveness sensuousness sentimentality seventh heaven sex appeal sexiness shamanism sign snaring sorcery sortilege spell spellbinding spellcasting suasion subtle influence suggestion sunshine supremacy susceptibility sway sympathetic magic tantalization tantalizingness temptation temptingness thaumaturgia thaumaturgics thaumaturgism thaumaturgy theurgy transport unalloyed happiness upper hand vampirism voluptuousness voodoo voodooism wanga weight whammy whip hand white magic winning ways winningness winsomeness witchcraft witchery witchwork wizardry wonder wonderwork wooing


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