◄ Embarrassed ►

(imp. & p. p.) of Embarrass.

abashed abroad adrift afflicted agitated annoyed anxious ashamed astray at sea badly off balled-up beset bewildered blushful blushing bothered broke burdened with debt cast down chagrined chaotic chapfallen clueless confused crestfallen crushed deep in debt discomfited discomforted discomposed disconcerted disgraced dismayed disordered disorganized disoriented disquieted distracted distraught distressed disturbed down to bedrock encumbered feeling the pinch flushed flustered fluttered fussed guessing hangdog harassed hard up humbled humiliated hung up ill at ease ill off impecunious in Queer Street in a fix in a jumble in a maze in a pickle in a pother in a pucker in a scrape in a stew in a sweat in a swivet in a tizzy in debt in difficulties in embarrassed circumstances in hock in narrow circumstances in reduced circumstances in straitened circumstances in the hole in the red inconvenienced indebted insolvent involved irked jumbled land-poor lost mazed mixed-up mortgaged mortified narrow off the track on the edge out of countenance out of pocket perplexed perturbed pinched plagued plunged in debt poor poorly off put to it put-out put-upon puzzled rattled red red-faced reduced ruddy ruffled self-conscious shaken shamed shamefaced shamefast sheepish shook short short of cash short of funds short of money shuffled sore beset squeezed straitened strapped tied up troubled turned around uncomfortable uneasy unmoneyed unprosperous unsettled upset vexed without a clue worried


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