Dictionary 1. ( n.) That which gives ease, relief, or assistance; convenience; accommodation. 2. (n.) A liberty, privilege, or advantage, which one proprietor has in the estate of another proprietor, distinct from the ownership of the soil, as a way, water course, etc. It is a species of what the civil law calls servitude. 3. (n.) A curved member instead of an abrupt change of direction, as in a baseboard, hand rail, etc.
Thesaurus abatement absolute interest aid and comfort allayment alleviation analgesia anesthesia anesthetizing appeasement assuagement assurance benefit claim comfort common condolence consolation contingent interest deadening diminishment diminution disburdening disencumberment dulling ease easing encouragement equitable interest equity estate holding interest lessening lightening limitation lulling mitigation mollification numbing palliation part percentage reassurance reduction relief remedy right right of entry salving settlement shred of comfort softening solace solacement soothing stake strict settlement subduement support sympathy title trust unballasting unburdening unfreighting unlading unloading unsaddling untaxing use vested interest |