Dictionary 1. ( n.) A silver coin of the United States containing 371.25 grains of silver and 41.25 grains of alloy, that is, having a total weight of 412.5 grains. 2. (n.) A gold coin of the United States containing 23.22 grains of gold and 2.58 grains of alloy, that is, having a total weight of 25.8 grains, nine-tenths fine. It is no longer coined. 3. (n.) A coin of the same general weight and value, though differing slightly in different countries, current in Mexico, Canada, parts of South America, also in Spain, and several other European countries. 4. (n.) The value of a dollar; the unit commonly employed in the United States in reckoning money values.
Thesaurus C C-note Deutschmark G G-note Mark Reichsmark afghani anna baht bawbee bill bone buck cartwheel cent centavo centime century conto copper crown dime dollar bill dong farthing fifty cents fin fish five cents five hundred dollars five-dollar bill five-hundred-dollar bill five-spot fiver florin four bits fourpence fourpenny franc frogskin grand groat guilder guinea gulden half G half a C half crown half dollar half grand halfpenny hundred-dollar bill iron man kip kopeck krona krone lira mag meg mill milreis mite monkey new pence nickel np p pence penny peseta pie piece of eight pistareen pony pound quarter quid rand red cent rial rock ruble rupee sawbuck shekel shilling silver dollar sixpence skin smacker sol sou stiver ten cents ten-spot tenner thousand dollars thousand-dollar bill threepence threepenny bit thrippence tuppence twenty-dollar bill twenty-five cents two bits two-dollar bill two-spot twopence won yard yen |