◄ Dividend ►

1. (n.) A sum of money to be divided and distributed; the share of a sum divided that falls to each individual; a distribute sum, share, or percentage; -- applied to the profits as appropriated among shareholders, and to assets as apportioned among creditors; as, the dividend of a bank, a railway corporation, or a bankrupt estate.

2. (n.) A number or quantity which is to be divided.

accrued dividends accumulated dividends allotment allowance avails balance big end bigger half bit bite bonus box office budget capital gains carrot cash dividend chunk cleanup clear profit commission commissions contingent credit credits cumulative dividend cut deal destiny disposable income dividends dole earned income earnings end equal share extra extra dividend fate filthy lucre gain gains gate gate receipts get gettings gleanings gratuity gross gross income gross profit gross receipts guerdon half halver helping hoard income intake interest interim dividend killing lagniappe leftover lot lucre make makings margin measure meed melon mess modicum moiety neat profit net net income net profit net receipts optional dividend output overage overmeasure overplus overrun overset overstock oversupply paper profits part pelf percentage perk perks perquisite phony dividend pickings piece plum plus portion pourboire premium prize proceeds produce profit profits proportion quantum quota rake-off ration receipt receipts receivables regular dividend remainder return returns revenue royalties royalty segment share slice small share something extra spare special dividend stake stock stock dividend store surplus surplusage take take-in takings tip unearned income wealth winnings yield


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