1. (n.) A discus; a quoit.

2. (n.) A flat, circular plate; as, a disk of metal or paper.

3. (n.) The circular figure of a celestial body, as seen projected of the heavens.

4. (n.) A circular structure either in plants or animals; as, a blood disk; germinal disk, etc.

5. (n.) The whole surface of a leaf.

6. (n.) The central part of a radiate compound flower, as in sunflower.

7. (n.) A part of the receptacle enlarged or expanded under, or around, or even on top of, the pistil.

8. (n.) The anterior surface or oral area of coelenterate animals, as of sea anemones.

9. (n.) The lower side of the body of some invertebrates, especially when used for locomotion, when it is often called a creeping disk.

10. (n.) In owls, the space around the eyes.

O annular muscle annulus areola aureole carousel chaplet circle circuit circumference circus closed circle coat coating collop corona coronet covering crown cut cycle deal diadem discus eternal return fairy ring feuille film flap foil fold garland glory halo lamella lamina laminated glass laminated wood lap lasso leaf logical circle loop looplet magic circle membrane merry-go-round noose orbit pane panel patina peel pellicle plait plank plate plating ply plywood radius rasher ring roller rolling stone rondelle rotator rotor round roundabout roundel rundle safety glass saucer scum sheet skin slab slat slice sphincter table tablet top veneer vicious circle wafer wheel whirlabout whirler whirligig wreath


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